Thursday, February 20, 2014

Nanlong Street Barbecue

So one day during vacation we decided to go back to Nanlong (the area of Zhongshan Korrin will be teaching in) to eat street barbecue again, and this time I took pictures!

We decided to go to Nanlong to eat because during New Year's vacation most of the shops around where we live had closed down and our eating options were few, and we were getting a little tired of them.

They way street barbecue works is people set up stalls on the streets with a bunch of different foods on sticks. You choose what you want, and then they cook it up for you. There are also some stalls that put together noodle soups with what ever you want in it.

There is veggies, squid, chicken, other meat... We do try to avoid meat we can't identify.

After we finished eating (which took a while because it's so good and we kept ordering more) we walked around Nanlong a little bit.

Chrissy took us to the park down the street.

I love that Chinese parks have like 10 ping pong tables
for any one to play on :) 

Parks at night are full of people dancing and
roller blading.
As we were leaving the park we came across a group of people practicing some drum, cymbal, marching thing in a courtyard. It was cool and video will probably be going on Facebook :)

We we headed back to wait for the bus we had our worst bout of bus bad luck yet. I took nearly and hour for our bus to come. We even started considering a taxi. While waiting we've developed this habit of singing songs together and the Asians love to watch. Eventually someone watching pointed out to us that we were standing in front of a KTV, or karaoke, business. He really thought we belonged in there :)

Waiting for the bus... again...

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