Thursday, February 27, 2014

More Beautiful Zhongshan

The weather has finally warmed back up this week and we took the time to wander around Zhongshan some more- both around our apartment in Kayin and the first park again. This is basically a post to show you pretty pictures of where I live :)

We explored the area within walking distance from our apartment:

Ali, Gretchen, Jessie, and Larkin looking
awesome as always :)

Trying out settings on my camera. Looks
like it should be on Instagram.

Apartments everywhere!

Sweet pond with dragons

And we also went back to the first park we visited in Zhongshan with the ILP teachers from the Kayin school:

View from the top of the pagoda.

Lots of pictures... I'll break it up with a reminder of the comment ability below. I love hearing what you guys think and knowing that people actually read what I write :) Also, let me know if there's anything in particular you'd like to know about!

Walking to the store.